Friday, May 11, 2012

Project Review Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow PART VII-Whip-Arm Robot

Here is the final Image produced for this Whip Robot from Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow that I built out while at BLT in 2002 for the posters.

An overhead close to torso view of this robot from Sky Captain.

The details I built were based on a screen grab from the film model.

Here is a ground eye view looking up after it just stepped on you!

A Mesh-Poly view showing the NURBS conversion on the main body parts.

This is a torso view showing the details inside the glass dome for the head.

Project Review
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
PART VII-Whip-Arm Robot

Client: Paramount Pictures via BLT and Associates.
Art Director(s): Rick Lynch, Dustin Stanton, Jeff Barnett, Alon Amir, Zack Ris. 
Project Date: Summer 2002

This is my seventh posting on Sky Captain and The World of Tomorrow, and today we look an another robot I had to build out for the posters for the film, the Whip-arm Robot.

This robot has a very small part in the film ,when the main base of the hero is attacked by a group of these rascals. I had just under a day to build, texture, and render out these views for the in-house Art Directors to use in their comp ideas for the presentation to Paramount and the Director.

This robot was a fun one, with the body being built using nPowers Power NURBS plug-in, and I then converted to them to Polygons for render. Lots of compound molded parts on this one, and I had just got that great plug-in tool for 3DS max over at BLT so I used it on this design.

Look for more robots from the film in the weeks to come.

Cheers, THOM

You can see the other posts quickly below in these links:

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